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Rebirth carry on its education, advocacy and outreach activities around the Delmarva area since the inception of the COVID 19.
We had been and still in the middle of the Covid-19 on our FCC licensed community base radio station to educate, inform, share the news about the Covid, such as.
We brought in healthcare experts and local officials in our studio to talk about these topics.
what is Covid?
How can people protect themselves?
What is community spread?
How can people protect themselves?
What does CDC say about it?
What should people do if they get sick or someone in their household?
How can people prepare for COVID -19 at work?
What are the symptoms?
Where should people get tested?
What is contact tracing?
Mitigating the fear of the Covid 19 Vaccination
Stop, inform and educate about misinformation on Covid-19 vaccin
inform and educate about conspiration theory
Where and when to take the vaccine
We drove around the cities and county to pass on flyers, talk to the community about Covid and go on 9 different testing sites to help with translating, interpreting and contact tracing. From those particular outreaches we have reached and we touched over 2000 people.
Learning Objectives
● Identify how chemicals enter the body
● Recognize the risks of chemical exposure and the health effects
● Understand ways workers can protect themselves from chemical exposure
● Identify the Personal Protection Equipment according to occupation Key Points
● Chemicals can enter the body through (exposure routes) eyes, mouth, nose and skin.
● Factors that influence the effect of a chemical include: age, gender, size, tolerance, interaction with other chemical, dose or how much, time or how long and health status.
● Workers can protect themselves from chemical exposure.